And so an end begins. A new calendar year marks a halfway point of a school year. The school year will culminate in June. The sixth year to be completed since returning to the homeland.

But before that end there will come another. It will come much sooner. The end of a term. A final term. That end will be both an end and a beginning.

The once younglings are about to end their senior school journey on the cusp of adulthood. Time is always accused of flying too fast. It’s finally evident why. It is deserving of the accusations.

Teaching became a vocation with this cohort. It is probably more accurate to say that teaching became a vocation because of this cohort. Perhaps every teacher has a class that leaves such a mark. Or maybe it’s not that common. Regardless, what a story it has been.

Time, you callous friend.

The journey began six weeks after the Easter Bombings with a lesson on Rosa Parks. Some of them still talk about that lesson six years later. In between there were lockdowns and online school and exams. Introductions and goodbyes were frequent. Joys and tragedies ran rampant. There was growing up and letting go. There was let it bes and fight backs.

All in just six short years. Oh how you fly, Time.

When August comes it’ll be a milestone. The first school year without them. But it’ll also be the start of their next adventure wherever that may be. So, a bittersweet start to the year. Let’s hope emotions can stay in check.

Time, be kind, my friend. Fly only if you must.
