What if this is it?

What if another won’t come again?

Has enough been done?

Has enough been said?

Has enough been felt?

Was it enough?

If this is it there can be solace

A life that was led with purpose

A life filled with gratitude

Actions, deeds, placards

Things were done

Believed, achieved


But if this is it there may be regret

A life that was spent in shadows

A life of paths not taken

Viewer, watcher, applauder

Things left undone

Unsaid, unfelt

Not enough

What then must come at 6:07?

A time significant only existentially

Will it be a wish for the ages?

What must it be?

What it always should have been?

Will time be kind or cruel?

If this is it perhaps a quiet wish

To silently strike at what matters most

To have discovered in the final hour

In the elusive feeling of an unfamiliar song

What ought to have been year after year

Until at last a wish for familiarity.
